Company Programme – Virtual Trade Fair 2021

More than 300 students created 45 innovative companies. Meet them and talk to them on the 10th April


Junior Achievement Cyprus announces that the 8th Trade Fair of the Company Programme 2021 will be held virtually this year in the context of the measures taken by the Republic of Cyprus against the spread of the Covid-19 virus and social distancing.


Although the programme is being digitalized in the new database, the importance given to students remains high. The Organisation takes into account the demanding and difficult conditions they are called upon to face. During the Virtual Trade Fair, more than 300 talented student entrepreneurs, aged 15-18, from all over Cyprus, will present innovative products and services, representing 45 student companies. On April 10 and 11 from 11:00 – 13:00 the public will have the opportunity to get to know the student companies through the website of the organization (, but also to chat with students for more information and orders.


A specialized jury committee will evaluate the business ideas of the students. This evaluation will significantly determine the selection of the ten best companies that will have the opportunity to present their ideas in the Annual Final Competition for the “Company of the Year”.


Although this is the second year that the children remain at home, companies are invited to report on the difficulties and challenges they have been faced with and the ways in which they have managed their company, the communication between them and the continuation of their work.  Through the Company Programme, students are offered the opportunity to learn through experience how to take a viable business idea, from concept to reality by forming and running their own real companies for a whole academic year. The program aims at equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to build their own successful enterprises in the future, increase the likelihood of them being hired by employers and, in general, succeed in whatever they decide to do.


JA Cyprus is supported by the following:

  • Strategic Partner: AstroBank
  • Partners: Cyta, PwC Cyprus
  • Supporters: MetLife, University of Nicosia
  • Institutional Partner: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth

For more information visit the JA Cyprus website ( or contact Emily Sotiriou on 97-715909 or via email at