Company of the Year 2021 – The 10 finalists who won the “ticket” for the final
The 8th Trade Fair of the Junior Achievement Cyprus was held with great success. Due to the difficult conditions we are currently facing with the pandemic, the Trade Fair was held online on Saturday, April 10 with the participation of more than 300 students, aged 15-18. The young entrepreneurs represented 45 student companies that presented their innovative products and services to the public and they were even able to sell. The response of the audiense was great. Nearly 1,000 people visited the students’ digital channels via the Organisation’s website.
A specialized jury visited the digital channels of the student companies and evaluated their business ideas. The ten companies that received the highest score are (in alphabetical order), ARTIQUE from English School Nicosia, CIPEN from American Academy Larnaca, EXOTICAR AROMATICS from Agios Georgios Lakatamias Lyceum, HERBO CUBES from GC School, MounTour from the Mitsi School of Lemythos, Quik Mealz from the International School of Paphos, SignPocket from the School for the Deaf, StAir from the Ethnomartyras Kyprianos Lyceum, Wash-a-ball from GC School of Careers and WECARE from Larnaca Technical School. The Competition Final is scheduled to take place on May 26, 2021 at the Royal Hall, in Nicosia (following all the necessary pandemic protocols) and the winning team will represent Cyprus in the European Competition to be held digitally and be hosted by the Junior Achievement Lithuania.
Due to the special circumstances, a new award was created for this year, namely “The Most Visited Channel” with the most audience. The teams that were awarded are Wash-a-ball of the G C School of Careers and Biotera of the Latsia Lyceum.
The student companies were created within the framework of the “Company Programme” implemented in the Public and Private High Schools of Cyprus. This program gives students the opportunity to discover in practice how a company works, to understand how a business idea is developed and implemented, from the stage of initial conception to the creation of their own business.
The aim of the programme is to equip young people with knowledge and skills necessary for the labor market, for the development of their own business and in general for their successful careers both professionally and personally.
JA Cyprus is supported by:
- Strategic Partner: Astrobank Cyprus
- Partners: Cyta, PwC Cyprus
- Supporter: University of Nicosia, MetLife
- Institutional Partner: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth
For more information visit our website or contact Emili Sotiriou at 97-715909 and email