Having reached the end of the second year of the “Company of the Year” Programme, the Junior Achievement Cyprus team would like to warmly thank all those individuals who have contributed to the success of the Company Programme.
First of all, we would like to thank our promising student-entrepreneurs, who have impressed everyone for a second year with their entrepreneurial flair and creativity. They are, without a doubt, the most critical success factor of the Programme.
We need to express our deepest gratitude to both school teachers and business mentors, who willingly provided our young entrepreneurs with their valuable help and guidance, and shared with them their knowledge, expertise and entrepreneurial skills.
Many thanks to the Junior Achievement Cyprus Board Members for their vital contribution to the overall strategy and decision-making processes, which assist the organisation to grow and flourish.
Of course, nothing could have been accomplished without our partners’ decisive contribution and support. We owe special thanks to our strategic partner, Piraeus Bank Cyprus, to our two significant partners, Cyta and MetLife Alico Cyprus, our academic partner, the University of Nicosia, our supporter, MS Jacovides, and of course, our institutional partner, the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Finally, since each successful project is the outcome of collective attempts, a special mention should be made to the team of 4 E’s. CEO, Eloiza Savvidou, Programme Coordinator, Elena Michael, Communication Coordinator, Evi Dekoulou and Event Coordinator, Εlisa Bosio, have already began preparations for the launch of the third year of the Company Programme!