300 Primary and Secondary School students participated in the 1st Trade Fair of the programme mind REset with their environmental innovations
300 students aged 10-14 participated in the 1st Trade Fair of the programme “mind REset” of Junior Achievement Cyprus, which took place on the 26th and 27th of November 2022 at Metropolis Mall of Larnaca. The young entrepreneurs represented 60 student companies from 26 schools across Cyprus, who presented and sold their innovative products and services to the public.
The event was welcomed by:
- Ziannet Hadjiiosif, Inspector of Secondary Education, on behalf of Dr. Kyprianos Louis, General Director of Secondary Education
- Fotini Chrystopoulou, Inspector of Primary Education, on behalf of Dr. Marios Stylianides, General Director of Primary Education
- Georgios Dimitroulakis, Communications Manager of Lidl Cyprus
- Antigoni Komodiki, CEO of JA Cyprus
The student companies were created in the framework of the programme “mind REset” which is a fun and interactive programme that offers five modules to students of 5th and 6th grade of Primary School and 1st and 2nd grade of Secondary School. Junior Achievement Cyprus in collaboration with Lidl Cyprus implements the programme free of charge in public and private schools across Cyprus. The programme is approved by the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth.
The programme’s modules aim to bring students into contact with the field of environmental entrepreneurship and circular economy and help them develop skills that will contribute to the protection and sustainability of the environment.
During the programme, students created teams and were asked to develop a product or service for which they submitted a business plan and presented it at the Trade Fair.
A Jury Committee consisting of experts in the field of business, engineering, and the environment, evaluated the business plans of all teams as well as their presentation at the Trade Fair through an interview.
The above two evaluations determined the 10 finalist teams (5 from Primary and 5 from Secondary Schools), which teams will participate in the Finale and Award Ceremony of the Competition mind REsetters of the Year 2022 – 2023, taking place on the 16th of December.
The five finalist teams from Secondary School in alphabetical order are:
- CASETIVITY, Economics – Commercial School Mitsi, Lemythou
- Good4Pets, Stavrou Gymnasium
- Green Defenders Plastic Art, Kokkinochoria Gymnasium Panou Ioannou
- P.A.S.S. on the plastic, Olympion Gymnasium
- Re cycle, St’ George’s Gymnasium Larnaca
The five finalist teams from Primary School in alphabetical order are:
- A.K.L. κουλ BAG, Primary School of Tersefanou
- BATH 2 WASH, Primary School of Agios Athanasios B’
- Biodegradable Plastic Straws, The Junior School
- incrEDIBLE alternatives, Primary School of Livadia K.B’
- Plastic Busters, Primary School of Ypsonas C’
The winning teams of each level will win an educational experience abroad.
Special thanks to Metropolis Mall of Larnaca for hosting our Trade Fair.
For more information contact the coordinator of the programme, Kyriaco Masonou, at +357-99194313 or kyriacos.masonou@jacyprus.org.